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Standards Based Report Cards

The Nevada City School District is committed to student learning and growth. As we move to a Standard Based Reporting System TK-4th grade, there may be adjustments needed. We want to assure you that we are continuously reflecting on teaching and grading practices.

The process for the last year and a half, our grade level teams have been focused on the following steps toward a new reporting system:
1. Evaluated Standards Based Report Cards in other districts.
2. Selected the core/essential standards that each grade level will assess and report on in language arts and math.
3. Created a flow of instruction K-8 for all children in every class.
4. Choose the rubric, work habits, personal behaviors and layout of the report card.
5. Discussed each step along the way with all the teaching teams and gathering input for the next step.
6. Choose assessments to measure growth.

The purpose of the reporting system is to report separately:
● Student achievement based on essential standards
● Student work habits and personal behavior

The benefits of a standards based reporting system are:
● Measures what a student should know and be able to do in each learning area.
● Indicates what standards students have met, as well as their strengths and areas for growth.
● Progress is reported for each standard within an area rather than one single overall grade.
● Scores are more accurate and specific.
● All teachers across the district will have the same expectations and common understandings about learning targets at each grade level.
● Standard-based report cards separate academic performance from work habits and behavior in order to provide families a more accurate view of a student’s progress in both areas.

The rubric:
4 – Consistently demonstrates an advanced level of understanding and applies knowledge at a higher level
3 – Independently demonstrates mastery of the standard
2 – Demonstrates partial understanding of the standard and needs additional instruction
1 – Demonstrates minimal understanding of the standard and needs improvement

At parent conferences, you will be hearing how your child is doing. Remember, the goal is a “3” by the end of the year.
The shift in thinking from the A, B, C, D, F letter grades is that “3” is the top for the grade level and should be celebrated as such.