District of Choice Interdistrict Attendance Program
The Nevada City School District participates in the District of Choice Program (DOC) for families who live outside of district boundaries. The District of Choice for the 2025-2026 school year is closed. The application period for the 2025-2026 was held in the fall of 2024 and closed January 1, 2025. Please see more information about the District of Choice Program below.
District of Choice Information Legislature Faces Decision About Reauthorizing the “District of Choice” Program. A California state law adopted in 1993 allows students to transfer to school districts that participate in the District of Choice program. The program requires participating districts to accept interested students regardless of their academic abilities or personal characteristics. Unlike other interdistrict transfer laws, it also allows students to transfer without seeking permission from their home districts. The program currently consists of 45 participating districts enrolling nearly 9,600 transfer students. The District of Choice program was extended by the state and is scheduled to sunset on July 1, 2028.
2026-2027 District of Choice: The application period for 2026-2027 school year is now open and will close January 1, 2026. ALL DOC applications MUST be submitted to the Nevada City School District by January 1, 2026. Please use the District of Choice request form and submit your application to the District Office at 800 Hoover Lane, Nevada City, CA . Acceptance into the Nevada City School District is determined by the Board determined cap for each grade level and determined by space availability per grade level.
District of Choice Facts The governing board of any school district may elect to accept interdistrict transfers under the “District of Choice” provision authorized under California Education Code sections 48300 through 48316 Under this provision, the school district of choice determines the number of transfer pupils it is willing to accept and must ensure that pupils admitted are selected through a random, unbiased process that prohibits an evaluation of whether or not the pupil should be enrolled based on his or her academic or athletic performance.
Applications for transfer under this provision must be received by December 31 of the subsequent school year for which the pupil is requesting a transfer. The deadline for final written notice of transfer acceptance and rejection is February 15. The board has until May 1 to fill vacancies on a wait list, and no students are accepted after May 1.
School districts of choice must give priority for attendance to siblings of children already in attendance in the district, the second priority is students eligible for free or reduced-price meals, and the third priority is children of military personnel. (Education Code § 48306.)
For more information please call 530-265-1827 or email [email protected]